John Doyle


John Doyle

About Me

John has worked in the financial industry for over 30 years with the first 12 years working as an Independent Financial Advisor/ Mortgage Consultant. Overtime he has gained vast experience dealing with individuals and families, helping them through sometimes difficult periods that we all have in life, from the stresses of moving home to making sure your children and loved ones are protected.

In 2003 John became Managing Director of The Bedfordshire Mortgage Practice offering Mortgage and Protection Advice to the whole of market and eventually, through demand, introduced Will and Estate Planning Services to help with the growing need to connect both areas of expertise and create what some would call a one-stop advice center through a number of different life experiences that we live.

John says: “I take my job very seriously and aware of the responsibilities I have to everyone I meet. My motto has always been the same, “providing peace of mind for individuals and families protecting your family’s future.”

I believe we live in a time where our families have acquired more wealth than ever before, mainly through owning a home or receiving an inheritance from loved ones. It is our responsibility to protect and ring-fence this from the possibility of paying tax twice and more importantly to make sure that our children continue growing without the worry of poverty in the future.”

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Please feel free to get in touch for help with your needs. We will get back to you ASAP.

01462 613030
17a High Street, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5DD.


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